Today was such a beautiful hot and sunny day. We went to a local farm to pick up some more plants for our kitchen garden and backyard. After organizing all of our plants into the car, we got home and decided we needed a large refreshing drink after moving them to their spots in the garden. I had picked up two perfectly ripe guavas the day before so guava milkshakes it was! This is one of my favorite milkshakes (batidos) to get in Costa Rica; it's cool, rich, and filling without being cloyingly sweet.
Here's my recipe:
Guava Milkshake - Batido de Guayaba
Cooking for Kishore
2 Large Guavas, peeled & cubed
2 Cups Milk
1 Cup Cold Water
2 Cups Ice
1 Tbsp Sugar
Puree in the blender the guava cubes, sugar, and water.
Add the milk and the ice and blend till thick. Enjoy!
Yield: Serves 4-6 Prep Time: 5 mins.
Cook time: 5 mins. Total time: 10 mins. Tags: batido, batido de guayaba, breakfast, cool drink, milkshake recipe, guava milkshake, summer drink recipe, summer drinks, latin recipes
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