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Hispanic Heritage Month Recipes

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! Each year, from September 15 to October 15 Americans celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by sharing the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America. 2021 was especially significant because it was the 200th anniversary of Costa Rican Independence from Spain. Here are a few traditional & unique Latin American recipes you may want to add to your menu: 

Jackson Square - New Orleans, USA

I’m excited to join up again this month with fellow blogger Fiona Ryan's  A-Z Guidebook Travel Linkup over at Tiffin Bite Sized Food Adventures. This travel tale link-up goes from March 15th - March 22th, this time travels with the letter "J".

"J" is for Jackson Square, New Orleans, USA

Jackson Square is a historic park on the site, in the French Quarter of New Orleans, where in 1803 Louisiana was made United States territory. It was designed after the famous 17th-century Place des Vosges in Paris, France. 

At the center of the square is a statue of the rather controversial Andrew Jackson, for whom it was named, was erected in 1856. It is a tribute to his victory over the British at New Orleans in the last battle of the War of 1812. While this victory can not be denied, many do not think he deserves any honors giving his policies regarding removal of Native Americans from the Southeast, ultimately leading to the 'Trail of Tears.' There are also four other statues near each corner of the square, they are beautiful neoclassical representations of the Four Seasons.

I went down, one humid and foggy morning, to Jackson Square to take in the Saturday open air market. The square is famous as a gathering place for painters, artists, musicians, and street performers. I was not disappointed, the air was filled with music and the hum of people talking. Wandering from artist to artist, I came across one whose work I absolutely loved...Mr. Olsen Nash. He paints Jazz scenes on 200 year old slate roofing tiles from old French Quarter's buildings. His paintings epitomized my time in the French Quarter...the music, the spirit - soul, the colors, the mood lighting. Thank you Mr. Nash for allowing me to bring home a vibrant piece of New Orleans.

For more Letter "J" travel stories, visit A-Z Guidebook Linkup. Stay tuned next month for more travel, centering around the Letter "K"!
TIFFIN - bite sized food adventures -

If you're curious here is a picture of one of Mr. Nash's slates that I purchased:

For more of my New Orleans Trip Click Here


  1. New Orleans is on our list and will be part of our next visit to the USA where we will split our time between the south and the Pacific North-West. Still some time away yet though. I love the painting and the fact that it was done on an old slate. Very attractive.

    1. New Orleans, particularly the French Quarter, is a trip not to be missed, but also one not to be rushed. You'll have a great time no doubt! :)

  2. that looks absolutely lovely. i must get there some day. can't wait to try the food too.

    1. Thanks Sherry! It's a great place to visit, and honestly the food is as good as they say! :)


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