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Fish Recipes for Fridays!

  These cuisine spanning seafood recipes will help prevent Fish Friday burnout this Lent!

In My Kitchen - November 2015

It's time for another round of the very cool monthly happening called "In My Kitchen" run by Celia at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial.

So here we go....

This Month in my Kitchen...

October was a bit wonky weather wise, perfect weather to get sick. One day it was 40F, the next it was pushing 80F! But as always the redeeming a word Halloween! This year Kishore decorated his desk at work for a competition, so I got to work making cheesecloth ghosts and he worked on spiderwebs. Overall we had a lot of fun getting ready for Halloween! :)

We had our final harvest for the year: Eggplants, Peppers, and lots of Tomatillos.

I went with friends to collect hot peppers at the farm, here's a sample of the lot I brought home. I'll be using them for Hot Sauce.

Picked up this beautiful set of hand carved wooden serving utensils at a flea market. I love the fact that the artist left the nubs of branches on the handles, it adds character.

Quickly whipped up this cheese plate after an afternoon visit to the local farmers market.

Given our love for Popcorn, we bought some Organic Popcorn grown by Farmer Steve in cooperation with Rutgers. It is being sold online and ships internationally if you are interested the link is here: Amwell Valley Organic Grains.

We carved 'Día de los Muertos' style pumpkins for our front steps. They represent the King and Queen of Mitlan, the Aztec Underworld, God and Goddess of the Dead. The top pumpkin is Queen Mictecacihuatl, while the lower pumpkin is King Mictlantecuhtli.

There was a lot of Halloween Baking...

Made Baked Spiced Pumpkin Donuts

and Skeleton and Graveyard themed decorated Sugar Cookies.

I'd also like to remind everyone of the new monthly linkup called "Food 'n Film"! November's linkup will be posted and open from the 3rd to the 30th. Hope you join up! :)

I'm on Instagram! You can find me @cookingforkishore.
Feel free to instagram any recipes you try here and use #cookingforkishore.
Looking forward to hearing from you all! :)

Please make sure you stop in and take a glance at everyone else's kitchens!

So tell me...What's happening in your kitchen this month?

If you're curious here's a link to what we were up to during last year's In My Kitchen: November 2014


  1. Hi Emily, what a wonderful post - I love, love, love those pumpkins, just stunning. And the wooden utensils are gorgeous too, definitely a talking point!

    1. Thanks Ania! We had so much fun this Halloween! :)

  2. Wow, those pumpkins are fabulous! I'm impressed by the artistic skill. Love the nubs of branches and your cheese platter.

    1. Thanks Liz! They took about 3 hours total to carve, prepping always takes the longest. :)

  3. those pumpkins look beautiful! Well done on your Halloween baking, I had no energy for it this year so i suppose that means I must double my Christmas efforts...

    1. Thanks Faye, the baking has become a tradition! :)

  4. Beautiful wood utensils. What a busy Halloween month you had. We didn't carve pumpkins as they tend to rot too quickly here in the hit south, your's are fantastic looking. October slipped away from me and I didn't even bake any Halloween cookies.

    1. Hi Gretchen! I know what you mean we've had some warm years were they don't last a day. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  5. I am adorign those purple skinny eggplants, And your pumpkins are amazing. I do wish to join in with your challenge, just keep getting distracted.

    1. Thanks Shaheen! I hope you do, I'd love to see what you'd come up with! :)

    2. Thanks Emily for the comment on my IMK post. I like the idea of beet and broccoli sprouts, this may sound like a naive question but do you use the same seeds you would for growing the plant, I am new to sprouting, so unsure - any advice appreciated. Thank you. PS Still thinking about something for Food n Film.

    3. I wrote back on your post about the seeds! But if you have any other question just send me a msg. I can't wait to see what you come up with for Food 'n Film! :)

  6. It goes without saying that those carved pumpkins are a thing of beauty. I'm very jealous of your tomatillos.They are not a common item here and I have never seen a plant. I just hae to content myself with imported tinned versions from the US. Once my kitchen is up and running, I can't wait to join yout Food 'n' 'Film Linkup!

  7. Thanks Fiona! The plants resemble a potato plant with green or purple lanterns hanging from it, and pretty bright yellow flowers. Good luck with the renovations, I know it can make life hectic but you look super organized! :)

  8. Emily, your garden produce is as pretty as a picture -- I'm certain it'll taste wonderful, too, and your homemade hot sauce must be fabulous! (I love hot sauce.) That is some incredible pumpkin carving you did -- so intricate! I also love your skeleton cookies. :)

  9. i love your produce. and those spooky cookies look terrific. great carving too! those wooden spoons are the tops. i love the knobs.


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