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Fish Recipes for Fridays!

  These cuisine spanning seafood recipes will help prevent Fish Friday burnout this Lent!

Food 'n Film - New Blogging Challenge - October 2015

"Tombstone" - Mustache Sugar Cookies

For the inaugural Food 'n Film post I thought long and hard as to which movie to choose. It all came down to timing, and a few signs. I've always loved Westerns and I was thinking to start with one, while mulling it over I came across these really cool mustache cookie cutters and the light bulb went off. That's when I realized most people would see those cookie cutters and think ironic hipsters instead of what I saw...

Our four mustachioed heroes from 1993's "Tombstone" popped into my head and I giggled a little while humming the theme song under my breathe on my way to the checkout. Later when I was explaining my idea to my sister over the phone, I turned on the TV and there it was at my favorite scene no less! Definitely a sign!
The film is based on historical events in Tombstone, Arizona revolving western lawmen Wyatt Earp, his brothers Virgil and Morgan, and his friend John 'Doc' Holliday; and outlaws 'Curly Bill' Brocius, Ike Clanton, and Johnny Ringo. These events include the legendary Gunfight at the O.K. Corral and the Earp Vendetta Ride. It is an adrenaline fueled action packed story that has you rooting for the lawmen, but at the same time feeling their struggle for the want of a normal civilian life. The sense of camaraderie between friends and unrequited hatred from the 'Cowboys' on the other side is so very believable it sucks you in from the very beginning. The acting is wonderful, the timing and delivery really make an impression. The score is classic, and adds another dimension to the film and is on par with that of "The Magnificent Seven" or "High Noon." But nothing beats the dialogue, those one-liners are so cool and I've absolutely been guilty of quoting. 
I'll leave you with the gifs of my favorite scene, Johnny Ringo is showing off his gun skills to threaten Doc Holliday; throughly unimpressed Doc Holliday mimics him using a tin cup. Needless to say Ringo was utterly embarrassed.

Mustache Sugar Cookies
Ingredients:  Makes 25 Cookies
Sugar Cookies                                                                                     Chocolate Cookie Icing
1 1/4 Cup Unbleached Sifted Flour                                                       1/2 cup Powdered Sugar
1/2 Cup Sugar                                                                                             2 Tblsp Cocoa Powder
1/3 Cup Butter                                                                                            1 tsp Light Corn Syrup
1/2 tsp Baking Powder                                                                                1/8 tsp Rum Extract
1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract                                                                                 1 tsp Milk
1/4 tsp Salt
1 Egg
Prep Work: Preheat oven to 375F
1. Prepare Sugar Cookie Dough
2. Roll out dough, stamp and cut out cookies. Place on a prepared cookie sheet and bake for 7-10 minutes; or until lightly browned on the edges. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

3. Prepare Chocolate Glaze, and pipe design on fully cooled cookies.

How to take part in the Food 'n Film link-up

It's really very easy to join in; all you have to do is create a tasty recipe from one of your favorite films, post it up on your blog and then link back to the monthly post.
  • It can be a recipe used in the film, a character's favorite food, or a recipe inspired by the film; but be sure to let us know in the post why you picked this movie and this recipe. 
  • 1 Entry per Blogger.
  • Make sure to include the badge in your post, link back to 'Cooking for Kishore' and use the link tool below. At the end of the month I'll post a round-up of entries.
  • Feel free to enter old posts as long as you update the post and meet all the requirements above!

Once in a while I may chose a movie theme or genre depending on the time of year, but most often it'll be your choice just keep it clean! 

Instagram me your pictures using the #foodnfilm hashtag and I will like them... you can find me @cookingforkishore

- See more at Food 'n Film


  1. Grat idea for a link party! I just added my Game of Thrones inspored cookies! :D Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks Katarzyna, for adding your beautiful Game of Thrones cookies to Food 'n Film! :)

    2. It was a lot of fun to make them! On a side note: I just noticed my keyboard was playing tricks and I made few typos in my previous comment...horrible! :D

    3. I'm so glad, they definitely look like fun to make! No worries about typos, after posting I always have to check and correct myself, it happens! Haha! :)

  2. Well, that was fun to share my recipe in your great series! I'll be sure and mention "Food 'n Film" in my next post. Thanks Emily!

    1. Thanks so much Gerard! I'm so glad you joined in and thanks for the mention! :)


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