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Fish Recipes for Fridays!

  These cuisine spanning seafood recipes will help prevent Fish Friday burnout this Lent!

3 year Blog Anniversary!!!

September is my 3 year Blog Anniversary!!! 

I know most bloggers celebrate their first but I didn't feel comfortable doing that. Besides I read the statistics, most blogs don't last past the 1-2 year mark so I was afraid of celebrating too soon.

Besides 3 is suppose to be a magic number...
To quote Schoolhouse Rock...
"Yes it is, it's a magic number. Somewhere in the ancient, mystic trinity
You get three as a magic number. 
The past and the present and the future,
Faith and hope and charity, The heart and the brain and the body
Give you three. That's a magic number."

 In the last few years I've learned a lot of things, and connected with some really interesting people. The blogosphere can be uplifting and cruel at the same time. I have met some lovely and interesting people, and others whose goal in life is to bully and troll; no different then the real world. 
I want to sincerely thank all those Readers, Commenters, and Sharers, who have encouraged me via their visits, likes, comments, shares, etc.

And to keep in the spirit of three I wanted to list 3 things the past, the present, and the future:

1. What I've learned - 
  • Blogging has made it abundantly clear that I do not fit into any one prescribed box. I have a wide array of ever growing interests; I am not only one thing and my blog reflects that. I hope that I can encourage more people to look outside these boxes, and experiment and try new things. 
2. Where I am now - 
  • I'm having fun sharing gardening tips, recipes, how-to's, and travel stories and photos. I have big plans to revamp the blog but I've been implementing them slowly. Next month, I will start a monthly linkup which I hope you all will join. 
3. Where the future takes us -
  • Hopefully it will take us full steam ahead! But regarding specifics I leave you with the words of George Harrison, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." And I'm truly looking forward to the adventure!

Thanks Again Everyone and I'm looking forward to celebrating more anniversaries down the line! :)


  1. Happy Happy Blogiversary Emily, I do love your blog and enjoy coming by and comparing both cooking and gardening notes, as well as being inspired by you and having a good nosy in your kitchen, may there be many more years of your blogging and PS still waiting for that jerky recipe!
    Have a fab week.

    1. Thank you so very much Shaheen! I love visiting your blog as well, your openness to try new things and to discuss is truly refreshing! It's people like you who give me hope for the future, I'm so glad to have met you through IMK.
      PS - About the jerky, I'm so sorry I'll get it to you promise! :)


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