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Fish Recipes for Fridays!

  These cuisine spanning seafood recipes will help prevent Fish Friday burnout this Lent!

In Amma's Kitchen - December 2014...Our Travels - Hyderabad, India

It's time for another round of the very cool monthly happening called "In My Kitchen" run by Celia at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial.
So here we go....

This Month in my Amma's Kitchen...

So this November we were in India for our Hindu wedding. We stayed with Kishore's Parents in Hyderabad so this month will be a special IMK!

Amma hard at work :)

The pantry stocked with flours, rices, and spices in stainless steel canisters.

A cupboard rack for the thalis, plates, spoons, cups, bowls, and cooking pots.

Lovely breakfast of Dahi Vada, and regular Vada.

Boondi Ladoo she made for our wedding. :)

Amma's windowsill garden of Green Chilies.

Fresh Market fruits - Pink Pomegranates, and Oranges.

Drying Chilies on the patio...

and Drying Henna Seeds.

We had a great time visiting and are looking forward to our next visit! :)

Over the next few weeks I'll be posting other kitchens I visited from Dubai, UAE to a hotel in Thekkady to a houseboat galley in Alleppey.

Please make sure you stop in and take a glance at everyone else's kitchens!

So tell me...What's happening in your kitchen this month?

If you are interested here's a link to Amma in my kitchen!


  1. Your pantry and cupboard look so organised! Plus I never new that's what henna seeds looked like. Thanks for the peek into your kitchen. Kirsty xx

    1. Hi Kirsty! Thanks, I'd love to take credit but it's my MIL's neat and cozy kitchen! :)

  2. Oh how wonderful! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing Amma's kitchen with us - I'm especially taken with the stainless steel cannisters! All the very best for 2015! :)

    1. Sorry this is so late, but Thank you Celia!


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