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Fish Recipes for Fridays!

  These cuisine spanning seafood recipes will help prevent Fish Friday burnout this Lent!

Blackberry Jasmine Iced Tea

This weekend was hot...

It was beautifully sunny, with clear blue skies, but incredibly hot! 
And of course the harbingers of this warm weekend weather would be...
On the up side - Our blackberry bush bursting with juicy ripe dark purple blackberries.
On the down side- Our AC unit going on the fritz. 

The heat and lack of AC, of course led us to be two pretty cranky people, but we tried to make the best of it.
We both were trying different ways to cool down: popsicles (recipe coming soon!), ice compresses, water from the garden hose, and cool drinks. We finally decided to try to cool off in the garden, sitting in our swing and picking/ eating blackberries. In that one afternoon we picked a little more than a pint, with plenty more still ripening on the bush. These blackberries are twice as big and twice as sweet as the ones I use to buy in the store; luckily for us they are too big for the birds to pick! :)
After we ate a good number of blackberries, the question was what to do with the ones we hadn't was absolutely out of the drink it is! I grabbed a few sprigs of mint and off I went to make our cool refresher! This ice tea is a great summer cooler. Light, refreshing taste; floral jasmine flavor melding with sun ripened sweet blackberries, and a hint of mint to top it  all off.

Here is my recipe for this Refreshingly Floral Blackberry Jasmine Iced Tea:

Makes 6 servings


1 pint Blackberries
1 TBLSP Jasmine Tea (Dragon Pearl)*
1 TBLSP Sugar
A few sprigs of Fresh Mint
5 cups of water

* Green Tea goes well too!

1. Heat the water to just before boil then allow to cool slightly.
2. Pour 3 cups warm water over the Jasmine Pearls and allow to seep for 3-5minutes.

3. Pour 2 cups warm water over the berries, mint and sugar and allow to sit for a few minutes. Then puree the mixture in a blender or food processor.

4. Strain the tea leaves out while pouring the tea into pitcher. Strain the berry seeds out while pour the berry puree into the pitcher with the tea. Mix well.

5. Allow to cool in the fridge.
Serve with Ice cubes, and garnish with a Blackberry and a few Mint leaves.



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